These webcams are located in Point Halloran (Victoria Point), approximately 30km's SE of Brisbane, Australia. The camera on the left faces E towards Coochiemudlo Island and North Stradbroke Island. The camera on the right faces SE towards Victoria Point, Macleay and Russel Islands and finally North Stradbroke Island. Moreton Bay is in the foreground. Images at night are exposures of 16 seconds, which means the cameras can and often will capture lightning when storms are around.
Current Local Time
Saturday, Mar 29, 7:22am
Sunrise 5:57am
Set 5:45pm
Today's Forecast
Click on the image to see a high resolution version or select your prefered image size to the right |
| Click on the image to see a high resolution version or select your prefered image size to the left |
Do you have a view you'd like to share with
others? We're actively looking for webcam locations around Australia on an ongoing basis. All of the hardware
needed will be provided, all you need is the view and an internet connection! For more information
contact Ben Quinn by email or by phoning 0422 188 164.